Conference on an International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology 技术转让国际行为守则会议
Insisting that China respect and that the IMF enforce the agreed international code of conduct on exchange rate policy is not "China bashing"; it is instead investing in a system that helps to keep markets open for all countries. 强调中国应该尊重(imf应该执行)公认的国际汇率政策行为准则并不是“抨击中国”,而是在致力于一个有助于市场向所有国家保持开放的体系。
International Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations 跨国公司国际行为守则
International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides 农药销售和使用国际行为守则
International Code of Conduct for Plant Gerplasm Collecting and Transfer 国际收集和转移植物种质行为守则
We will exercise strong oversight over credit rating agencies, consistent with the agreed and strengthened international code of conduct. 我们将对信用评级机构进行严格的监督,继续实施现行完善的国际法则。
( Draft Text of the Proposed International Code of Conduct on Transfer of Technology) Practices of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in China aquaculture management 关于国际技术转让行动守则草案的几个问题我国水产养殖管理中实施《负责任渔业行为守则》的研究